Friday, March 25, 2011

Beneath the crown

Cardigan: Target
Shirt: Target
Jeans: American Eagle
Sandals: Pink Studio/Anthro
Fingers: Zoya Dove
Toes: Zoya Caitlin

Today's hairdo (hairdon't?) is courtesy of Rebecca with an R, who looks super adorable with this crown braid in her hair.

And then there was me. I think I practically look like I am wearing a skull cap/am Justin Bieber, and I received comments throughout the day ranging from the ever-appropriate "cute braid!" to the slightly less appropriate "what is up with that". Kind patron swears he meant it in a good way.

On the bright side, I got some valuable practice in braiding my hair. That's a lie, I'm pretty skilled but never do it. I think this may be the first and last time for the skullcap but I bet it would look awesome on some of you all!

Ps. Love my sandals? Yeah, me too :)


  1. Yes, I love your sandals! And the detailing on the top is amazing - from Target of all places. I guess I need to keep an eye out!

    The mustard paired with cream and dark denim is a fresh spring look. Great outfit!

  2. Yeah......not sure about the hair. It's definitely interesting. If you could some how braid it so that it came across like a headband THAT would be too cool. I have NO idea how you would do that.
    Jealous of your sandals.

    I REALLY need to get my blog started. But that's the problem. I don't know where to start!

  3. Oh my the braid looks great on you!! I got mixed feedback on mine too. Haha. I love your sandals. So darling.


  4. I love those sandals! And the braids look super cute on you! I wish I had longer hair...

    hearts, laura♥
    the blog of worldly delights

  5. Hahaha "what is up with that?" NOT COOOL people hahahaha dont worry about it though! I LOVE it:) There's days when people tell me "wow you look tired" and I'm just like eh...I dont care I just woke up so what! And then there's days where I acutally try and they say it that just makes me sad hahaha I'm like "DANG! I actually tried today!"

  6. omg you guys! Look at you all commenting you're so sweet :)

    Nicole--thank you! I actually got the top on Target's website, it was one of those online only pieces but I guess someone returned one to my store because that's how I found out about it!

    Meghan: I will have to try that! It might take a little practice but i think I can do it. Also, you start your blog with day one ;)

    Rebecca thank you! I really like the concept of the braid but I think maybe it's too low on my forehead or not thick enough...or something. I might try it again to make sure/get more mixed reviews.

    Laura: Thank you so much! It's never too late to grow it out, right?

    Rosy: Yeah I get that too! Usually I say "looks aren't that deceiving after all!" because most of the time I actually am tired. But yeah it definitely stinks when you make an effort and people don't recognise it. I want to step on someone's foot when that happens!

  7. OK, so I saw a half crown braid this weekend and it kinda looked like bangs but much cooler. I want to see THAT on you!

  8. Hahaha elaborate on how I'd do that! Would it be like this but the braid higher up on the forehead?
