Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Your pants are the same colour as my car

Scarf: TJMaxx?
Top: Target
Pants: LL Bean
Heels: Anthropologie

In case you haven't seen enough coloured pants today, HERE ARE SOME MORE! In addition to being shockingly yellow, these pants are also slightly altered--I pinned them inside so they are not bootcut but skinny/straight leg. I like them this way, but at the same time, I felt almost exposed. I can do either bright pants or straight leg pants, but both is like drawing a blatantly obvious line around my silhouette and screaming "look at the lower half of my body! PLEASE!"

The title of this post refers to a comment I received this evening from a patron. And it's true! I saw the car in the parking lot on my way in. It's hard to miss. There are some M&Ms painted on the sides.

Everybody, Everywear | Colored Pants

Maybe I should have some M&Ms on my pants. Yes? Yes!

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