Pin: c/o Detroit Curling Club | Top: Target | Belt: Target | Skirt: Target | Wedges: Target
I just went to pick some art for this week's Style Imitating Art, and I somehow ended up reading about Battlestar Galactica. I couldn't tell you what happened if I tried. Anyway, below is this week's inspiration:
Bigger Trees Near Warter by David Hockney (click for larger version)
I've always been a big David Hockney fan. And a big fan of big art. So this painting blows my skirt up quite a bit! For an idea of proportion, take a look at this picture. Insane and gorgeous, right? Hockney created it from a set of fifty 3x4 canvasses. Email me your outfits based on this painting by Monday afternoon and I'll post them here!