The Avenue in the Rain, by Childe Hassam
1917, oil on canvas
I love America. It's a beautiful and amazing place. The people who have been in charge of running it have made quite a few mistakes over the past 200 some odd years, but that doesn't stop the country itself--the physical space, the culture, the humanity--for being awe inspiring. And nothing exemplifies that quite like Childe Hassam's 1917 painting, which offers a combination of grim shades and standout reflections of the stars and stripes. Our current president selected this piece to hang in the Oval Office of the White House, which has owned it since JFK's presidency. It's moody and conflicting and bold, just like America, and I love it.
To be a part of this week's SIA, send your photos to Jen by Monday, June (!!!) 1st. Enjoy!