Necklace: JCPenney
Tank: Target
Skirt: JCPenney
Wedges: Target
Dog: Ellie
Wondering where I've been? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway. Technically, I've been nowhere different than my daily locations--home, barn, work, grocery shopping, and more very unexciting places. But physically, this week has been extremely hard. Frustrating though it is to admit, I was diagnosed with RA a year and a half ago after a six month dive into constant flares in my hands that feel like a cavity after eating a candy bar. That sharp, searing, suck-in-your-cheeks kind of pain that won't go away until it wants--I get that in the knuckles of my hands. Without warning, I suddenly feel this pain. It doesn't affect my range of motion (thank goodness!) but boy does it hurt.
Fortunately it's mostly under control with medication, but I still do have flare ups. From Tuesday to last night has been a struggle to ignore the pain, and the last thing I felt like doing for the last few days was taking outfit pictures, especially since my outfits consisted of pants + top + flats. Pretty boring. The only thing I wanted to do was burrow my hands in a hole of cool dirt to dull the pain. Of course it is 95 here so that didn't really happen (womp womp) but today has been the first day where I felt more like I could do Whatever and not worry about driving through the pain to get to Whatever. Hopefully this won't happen again--I always hope it won't, and it hadn't since February--but now you know. I'm not perfect, I'm only 99% there :)
I did finish The Art of Fielding while I was out of commission, so if I remember I'll post about that next!
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